Not tomorrow, but today, NOW! Never lose faith!
It has been a few days since this whole situation started, so let me share some of my experience and opinions with you. I share this note first in my private workshop groups, then in some other groups over Facebook and never thought that this will be accepted so well! So I am sharing here in public with you.
I have seen some people already talking and toasting with their mirrors, although it has not even been the whole week of quarantine, and I do not want to be one of them. I do not also want to know what people will do with their mirrors in the next 2, 3, or God forbid four or more weeks.
Joke aside, the situation we are in is very serious, and actions are just calling to be taken!
This is so wrong!
Lots of you have never heard of the word written below, and there has never been an opportunity to talk about it openly. To exchange opinions. It is in human nature to not write personal distress with white paint on Trbovlje chimney (trboveljski »raufnk,« 365 m), where the whole world can see it. This applies even better when we are talking about failure. Never lose faith!
What an illusion!
This situation is reminding me of the year 2008 when the big economic crisis began. I found myself in it with not only one, but three companies! Me and my family. Just like now, overnight! We lost business, clients, payment over 100.000 € with never settled debt! With employees! And the worst part of it all was clients committing suicide!
Back then, I wished I had more knowledge and experience; I would have given everything to ease pain and distress. A long road was ahead of us. A path through so much pain and sacrifice that we have once already gone through. Consensual resignation of employees, colleagues! Friends! Endless job hunt, business for paying back creditors, which we have repaid every last cent with sacrificing. Instead of buying material goods with the money we made, we have invested it into education, machines, equipment, and awareness of what can happen overnight. It is not much for the road, but it is enough.
And look at that. The year 2020 has come. A leap year, which promised a lot, but gave little. These are the words of my grandmother, who will reach 90 years this year; God keeps her healthy!
And just how right she was. This year promised a lot! Even more than a lot! This should be a prosperous year in all fields! Social, business, all full of success! Silhouette of the success began showing a long time ago, in the year of 2018. Is it possible that the anticipation was too high?
This leap year has brought us a situation we have never seen before. A situation that until now we have only seen in a movie. With popcorn and Coca-Cola in hands, the comforts of our couch have never allowed us to think that a movie scenario will someday be our reality!
The reality
And here we are today, right now at this moment, wondering what the future will bring, how to move forward. With this thought in mind, I involuntarily go back in mind, to my path from the last 12 years. On all the lectures I have learned, for which I am grateful that have happened. There are a lot of them, and maybe I will even write them down someday when all of this is over, just for the sake of it. Old age is approaching rapidly for me, and my brain cells will start to decline someday.
It is my pleasure to share some essential experience with you, because who knows, maybe someone needs to hear them, perhaps they are just a puzzle piece, on the way to the big picture. Just as the words written above are giving my lectures a point. Who knows?
The given situation has created a wave in the last few days. A wave of questions from the couple’s side and the photographer’s side. A whole lot of the latter have come to me, and only now have I realized what massive network of friends from all around the globe has formed in the last few years. Interesting!
My actions! My lessons from the past; NEVER lose faith!
For the last 15 years, we capture more than 500 amazing couples and their stories around the globe! Along the way, we run into a thousand and one problems. We learned our self lessons and built a massive bank of knowledge; My experiences to never lose faith!
As you can see, my path wasn’t lovely; there had been hard times, and I wish there were someone out offer help at that time! If you are currently in the same state of searching for a piece of advice or been miss lead in these times, please don’t hesitate to message me!
I will be more than glad if I can pass our lessons or just any advice to help you make the best decision regarding your wedding or photography part!
My dear brides and grooms, regardless if we are capturing your Briliant wedding story or not, you are more then welcome or feel free to pass this message to anyone who is getting married.
Photographers welcome too!!!
Send me an email;, or if you prefer, you can DM me via WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram.
The END!
So, we have come to the end of my personal short record. It has all come from my heart in these unfortunate and uncertain times; I hope you have found something useful and you will never lose a faith! It will be my pleasure to share some more experiences with you. Or maybe it would be better to have a toast with a mirror. 🙂
Stay safe, and never lose faith!
Xoxo Alex

Thinking about getting married in Morocco or somewhere else in the world? Give us a call, or use the enquiry form below! We love capturing all of the magical moments for your wedding day naturally – without intruding or staging fake poses. We shoot destination weddings across Slovenia, Europe, and the world. Based in Slovenia, we know all of the top Slovenian wedding destinations inside out, follow the links below to find out more!
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We love hearing from you! We are totally committed to helping you preserve some of the most precious memories you will ever have. In fact, we consider it a privilege. We look forward to sharing your special day with you. Use the form below, drop us an email or give us a call.
Aleks & Irena
+386 41 745 908
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Thank you for sharing your story! I totally agree! NEVER lose faith.